
Normally, the salary for new appointments shall be the floor of the appropriate rank if the candidate has no prior academic or related experience. In some cases, there may be justifiable reasons to appoint a new faculty member at a salary above the floor of the appropriate rank. A starting salary above the floor of the appropriate rank shall be based on credible evidence according to the Guidelines for Starting Salary Recommendations, as approved by the Joint Committee for the Management of the Agreement (JCMA), and the procedures outlined in Article 18.2.6.

There are four paths to adjusting a faculty member's salary on a temporary and/or permanent basis.


In addition to the salary scale adjustment, each employee may be eligible for one of the following types of salary actions each year as appropriate:

  1. awarding a Career Development Increase or part thereof;
  2. awarding a Special Increase in accordance with Article; 
  3. awarding a combination of (i) and (ii); 
  4. withholding a Career Development Increase. 

Article 17 of the USFA collective agreement outlines the details of salary actions and Article 18 outlines the details of salary and salary action amounts. 


An employee may receive extra compensation for certain extraordinary teaching or non-teaching assignments as outlined in Article 18.5.


Salary adjustments can be made in the case of an emergency where a salary anomaly arose out of placement on the salary grid at the time of appointment, or there was a demonstrable risk of losing a faculty member because of higher salaries at comparable institutions. For more information see Article 17.5.7.


A stipend may be issued to faculty appointed into a leadership position (such as a department head or assistant dean) or is appointed into a chair position. See articles 18.8 and 18.10 for additional details. 


Salary adjustments for faculty are governed by the USFA Collective Agreement as per Articles 17 & 18.

The following decision-making bodies may play a role depending on the type of salary adjustment action:

  • Department Salary Review Committee
  • Department Head and Assistant Dean Salary Review Committee
  • College Salary Review Committee    [non-departmentalized colleges]
  • College Review Committee      [departmentalized colleges]
  • President's Salary Review Committee (PRC)
  • Joint Committee for the Management of the Agreement (JCMA) 

The powers and composition of these committees are outlined in the collective agreement. 


The standards of performance for the award of Special Increases (SIs) are defined by the respective salary review committee and communicated to faculty prior to the year they take effect. Standards for the award of SIs shall be established in accordance with Articles 17.2 and 17.3.

The criteria for the award of SIs may differ from department to department and from college/school to college/school as a result of unique aspects or expectations of the discipline that may be internal and/or external to the University. Standards of performance shall take into account variability in the assignment of duties across employees in the academic unit. 

Evaluation will be based on information provided by each employee as documented in a current CV update and in accordance with applicable standards for the award of Special Increases and Article 17.5.6 (ii)

The current standards for each academic unit are provided below: 

College/School Year Approved
College of Agriculture & Bioresources 2011
College of Arts & Science 2011
College of Dentistry 2011
College of Education (2019) 2019
College of Engineering 2016
Department Heads 2018
Chemical & Biological Engineering 2018
Civil, Geological, & Environmental Engineering 2017
Electrical & Computer Engineering 2011
Mechanical Engineering 2017
Ron & Jane Graham School of Professional Development 2019
College of Kinesiology unknown
College of Law unknown
College of Medicine 2011
College of Nursing 2011
College of Pharmacy and Nutrition  2012
Edwards School of Business  2011
Department Heads 2011
Accounting 2011
Finance & Management 2012
Human Resources & Organizational Behaviour 2013
Management & Marketing 2011
Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy 2011
School of Environment and Sustainability 2016
School of Public Health 2011
Western College of Veterinary Medicine 2012
University Library 2020


Each decision-making body shall define its own procedures in accordance with its powers and obligations outlined in Article 17. Below are the procedures for submitting a case file for merit consideration and the activities that take place to issue awards. 

Step Responsible Assignment Due Article
1 College/school and/or department 
  • Advise in-scope faculty to provide such information as the candidate wishes to introduce in support of the candidate's own annual salary review case file.
June 30 17.5.6 (ii)
2 Provost Office
  • Confirm employees eligible for SIs with colleges/schools and distribute allocations to each committee. 
Sept 1
3 Faculty
  • Submit cv update forms 1 & 2 for the years under review
  • Submit additional information as requested by the department and/or college/school. 
Sept 1 and 12

(if applicable)

  • Receive, review, and rank each eligible submission; 
  • Award SIs to employees;
  • Submit decision to the college committee;
  • Recommend employees for merit to the college committee; 
  • Inform employees of the committee's rankings, decisions, and recommendations, including the reasons for such awards and recommendations. 

Nov 30

5 College/school
  • Receive, review, and rank each eligible submission; 
  • Award SIs to employees;
  • Submit decision to the college committee;
  • Recommend employees for merit to the president review committee; 
  • Inform employees of the committee's rankings, decisions, and recommendations, including the reasons for such awards and recommendations.
  • Submit the college/school and department (if applicable) decisions to the President.  
Jan 31 17.4.2 or 17.4.4
6 Faculty (optional)
  • Submit an appeal to President's Review Committee if in disagreement with a decision made by a salary committee.
Feb 28 17.5.5, 17.5.4, 17.5.6 (vii)
7 President's Review Committee
  • Award SIs to employees that have either appealed or have been recommended by their college/school. 
  • Submit decisions to the President. 
Mar 31


Colleges/schools may recommend employees to the President's Review Committee (PRC) for merit. The PRC asks for the following information to be incorporated into their recommendation:

  • A covering memo capturing:
    • a ranked list of recommended employees; and
    • a summary of the process followed by the committee. 
  • The salary review casefiles of each recommended employee containing:
    • the completed and signed salary review form(s);
    • CV updates 1 and 2 for the period under consideration; and
    • any other material that junior committees used to deliberate.

Employees who wish to appeal the decision of a department or college/school decision are asked to submit the following:

  • An appeal letter;
  • The completed and signed salary review form(s); 
  • CV updates 1 and 2 for the period under consideration. 
Employees are entitled to ask a colleague to appear on their behalf before the PRC when their appeal is being considered (Article 17.5.4).

Guidelines and Forms


A college/school and/or department may request additional information from their eligible faculty. The following forms must be completed for all eligible faculty and added to the salary review case file:

  • SRF 1: Completed by the Department and Department Head & Assistant Dean Salary Review Committees 
  • SRF 2: Completed by the College Salary and College Review Committees

It is encouraged to document the quality of contributions outlining the impact and significance of the work, not just the quantity, which is noted in the cv update forms.  Examples of salary review decision rationales can be found here


A protocol has been developed by the university and the USFA to clarify the disclosure standards required from department and college salary committees pursuant to the salary review articles in the collective agreement. 

Important Dates

Date Action
June 30 The department head or dean advises employees on such information to include in the salary review casefile.
September 1 Employees to submit salary review case file to the department head or dean. 
November 30

Department salary review committees shall have:

  • considered all case files;
  • made awards;
  • submitted their recommendations to the college;
  • informed employees in the department of rankings, awards, recommendations; and
  • informed employees of the reasons for the awards and recommendations. 
January 31

College salary/review committees shall have:

  • considered all case files;
  • made awards;
  • submitted their recommendations to the President's Review Committee;
  • informed employees in the college of rankings, awards, and recommendations;
  • informed employees of the reasons for the awards and recommendations; and
  • submitted its decisions to the President for information of the Board. 
February 28 Employees wishing to appeal the decisions of a salary committee shall have submitted their appeal to vpfaculty.relations@usask.ca 
March 31 The President's Review Committee shall have considered all cases and submitted its decision to the President for the information of the Board. 


All questions should be directed to:

Vice-Provost, Faculty Relations