
Members of the university academic, student, and administrative community are eligible to apply for a Conference Fund Grant

To be considered for funding, conferences must:

  • be sponsored or co-sponsored by the university or a member of the campus community;
  • take place in Saskatchewan (with preference given to conferences held at the University of Saskatchewan);
  • anticipate a minimum registration of 50 and have a program covering at least one full day.


Effective November 2023, one competition will be held annually with an intake deadline of February 1.

Adjudication Criteria

Applications for conference funding will be adjudicated based on the following criteria:

  • impact of the conference in one of the following areas: research, student scholarship, public outreach, teaching, or administrative performance;
  • ability of the conference to attract national or international speakers and participants of significance in the relevant field or area;
  • significance of the conference theme to the University of Saskatchewan; and
  • the proposed program and a realistic budget.

Of highest priority are those conferences sponsored by national or international associations that will be hosted by USask. Regional conferences will be considered for support if they promote USask areas of priority and serve to enhance institutional reputation and impact. 

The Conference Fund is not intended as a mechanism to support workshops, seminars, course activities and poster events, visiting speakers, college or departmental symposia, and other small and focused events. It is not intended as a source of funding for recurring USask-based events, although it may provide inaugural seed funding in the first year of such events. Due to funds being limited, it may not be possible to fund all deserving proposals nor to fund proposals at the requested levels. 

Value and Duration of the Award

Awards ranging in value from $250 to $5,000 will be available.

Conferences must occur within two years of application.

Funding received through the Conference Fund Grant Program is not intended to cover the full costs of the conference. In their application, conference organizers are asked to outline other revenue sources, including a realistic projection of registration and other fees that will be charged to conference participants. Applicants must also indicate how surplus conference-generated funds will be used.

A brief report of conference outcomes and an accompanying financial statement is required within six (6) months of the conference date.

Adjudication Committee

The offices of the Associate Vice-President Research and the Vice-Provost, Faculty Relations will manage the program and will strike an appropriate adjudication committee.


All questions should be directed to:

Vice-Provost, Faculty Relations