Each applicable element of the annual review process -- renewal of probation, tenure, promotion and salary review -- has its own single page form. These forms provide a record of the annual performance review and salary action/recommendation for each member of faculty.
There is an additional section provided on the Salary Review Form to include, if the College wishes to do so, salary information in addition to that incorporated into the Salary History Form.
For Colleges other than Arts and Science and the Library and the Extension Division, the question on all three forms on the category for evaluation (Research, Scholarly, Artistic Work versus Practice of Professional Skills) is to be completed each and every year, and the category checked will normally not change from year to year. Any change in which category is to apply should be based on a change in assigned duties, and should be formally approved by the Dean and recorded in the faculty member's file.
Please type the forms. Attach extra pages if required. The forms are utilized as follows:
A. Salary Review Form (SRF)
Complete for all faculty in appointments continuing beyond the current year, including those who are retiring next year, except those in their first year of appointment.
NOTE: Although most faculty in the first year of a continuing appointment will have no record of performance at the University of Saskatchewan for the preceding academic year, some will have held appointments with term or without term, and a record of performance for the year under review will be available. In such cases, a salary review form should be completed with the caveat that any special salary adjustment which occurred at the time of appointment or re-appointment should be taken into consideration during the normal salary review process.
- Recommendation on Salary
Standard salary treatment refers to any general across-the-board salary changes which are negotiated, plus a Career Development Increase (CDI) until the normal maximum for that rank has been reached.
Special increases - a special increase may be awarded to an employee who has demonstrated excellence in one or more of the categories described in Article 17.2. See Articles 17.4.4 (vii) and 17.4.5 (ii).
Refer to Article 17.1.3 for descriptions of each category in which special increases can be made.
- Statement in Support of Salary Recommendation
This should be completed for all faculty recommended for standard salary treatment as well as those recommended for special increases. This statement provides the Dean (Head in departmentalized colleges) and/or Salary Committee with the opportunity to comment on the performance of all faculty, i.e. to recognize accomplishments, to record appreciation of contributions to the department, college, and University, to encourage faculty to increase or re-direct their efforts in specific areas, to record improved performance. In the case of faculty in departmentalized colleges who are recommended for special increases, this statement provides the College Review Committee with important information regarding the basis of the recommended award. [This statement should not be used to justify the absence of a recommendation for special increases.]
- Salary Committees
Each year, Departments and non-departmentalized Colleges shall annually establish a Department Salary Committee chaired by the Department Head/Dean (Articles 17.3.1, 17.3.2).
Each departmentalized College shall annually establish a College Salary Committee for Department Heads and Assistant Deans chaired by the Dean (Article 17.3.3).
- The Salary Review Process:
- Meet with each faculty member. It is the responsibility of the Dean (Department Head) or Director to meet with each faculty member to advise him or her of the department's recommendation on salary (see Article 17.5.2). An in-person meeting should be arranged with each faculty member, except those absent on leave. Normally the Dean (Department Head) will use that meeting to review with the faculty member the salary recommendation, and, where applicable, progress toward tenure and promotion. There are various ways to arrange such a meeting. Some Deans (Department Heads) prefer to provide a draft copy of the Salary Review Form to the faculty member in advance of the meeting, with the preparation and signing of the final copy taking place after the discussion. Others provide the completed form to the faculty member at the time of the meeting.
If a faculty member chooses not to meet with you, it is difficult to force a meeting. The important point is that every faculty member must be given the opportunity to meet with you, in person. In cases where a meeting is not held, it may be useful to record the fact that an opportunity was provided (e.g. by attaching a copy of a memorandum to the faculty member asking them to arrange a meeting with you).
Provide a copy of the Salary History Form. The Dean's Office will have received a copy of each faculty member's Salary History Form, as per Article 17.5.1. This form shows the faculty member's salary history for five years, including the member's current salary and CDI level in the rank.
Statements on the Annual Review Form should be based on evidence. Unsubstantiated allegations should not be included on a salary review/promotion review form. If the Dean is aware of serious allegations against a faculty member, these should be investigated in accordance with Article 12.3. Discipline is covered by Article 31.
Provide information on quality of work. Senior committees (the College Review Committees and the President's Review Committee) find it useful to have information on the quality, not just the quantity of research, scholarly work, and teaching. Deans (Department Heads) are encouraged to provide statements which do more than recite the number of publications and teaching hours, and to include data on the quality of a faculty member's work.
- Meet with each faculty member. It is the responsibility of the Dean (Department Head) or Director to meet with each faculty member to advise him or her of the department's recommendation on salary (see Article 17.5.2). An in-person meeting should be arranged with each faculty member, except those absent on leave. Normally the Dean (Department Head) will use that meeting to review with the faculty member the salary recommendation, and, where applicable, progress toward tenure and promotion. There are various ways to arrange such a meeting. Some Deans (Department Heads) prefer to provide a draft copy of the Salary Review Form to the faculty member in advance of the meeting, with the preparation and signing of the final copy taking place after the discussion. Others provide the completed form to the faculty member at the time of the meeting.
B. Annual Review Forms (AR-P AND AR-T)
Complete for all colleagues in the Lecturer, Assistant and Associate Professor ranks. This form should provide an assessment in terms of the current College standards. Refer explicitly to the applicable standards. Article 16.5.1 (promotion).
and, where applicable:
Complete for all probationary colleagues. This statement is required by the terms of the Collective Agreement, Articles 14.5.2 (renewal) and 15.11.2 (tenure).
Progress toward tenure should be assessed in terms of the faculty member's progress toward meeting the College's standards for tenure, which were in effect at the time of the member's appointment to a probationary position. Refer explicitly to the standards in your assessment. Please read these articles and note that they require you to provide advice as to how any deficiencies can be remedied. If there are problems, or potential problems, with a candidate's progress toward tenure, it is important that they be identified and recorded at this stage.
C. Procedures For Faculty On Leave
Complete the appropriate form(s) for faculty who are on leave (sabbatical, educational, sick leave, leave without pay).
If faculty on leave are not available for an in-person meeting, fill in the form, mail it to them, ask them to record their comments, if any, sign it, and return it to you. Provide the faculty member with a copy.
If faculty on leave have not signed and returned the form by the deadline, send a copy of the unsigned form to the Vice-Provost, Faculty Relations.
It may not be appropriate to send a copy for signing to individuals who have been on extended sick leave. Use your discretion.
All questions should be directed to:
Vice-Provost, Faculty Relations