Professor Emeritus/Emerita
Professor Emeritus/Emerita is an honour bestowed by the president upon retiring colleagues. It is given in recognition of retirees’ service to the University of Saskatchewan as teachers and scholars.
The honour Professor Emeritus/Emerita will be bestowed if the following criterion is met:
- The faculty member holds tenure and the rank of full professor at the time of retirement. Both in-scope and out-of-scope faculty are eligible.
Submissions for the award of the title Professor Emeritus/Emerita may be considered at any time, but should normally be submitted well in advance of the retirement date.
The dean’s office is responsible for submitting an up-to-date curriculum vitae on behalf of the retiring colleague to the Office of the Vice-Provost, Faculty Relations.
Librarian Emeritus/Emerita or Archivist Emeritus/Emerita
Librarian Emeritus/Emerita or Archivist Emeritus/Emerita is an honour bestowed by the president upon retiring colleagues. It is given in recognition of retirees’ service to the University of Saskatchewan as librarians, archivists, and scholars.
The honour Librarian Emeritus/Emerita or Archivist Emeritus/Emeritawill be bestowed if the following criterion is met:
- The librarian or archivist holds tenure and the rank of Librarian at the time of retirement. Both in-scope and out-of-scope librarians are eligible.
Submissons for the award of the title Librarian Emeritus/Emerita or Archivist Emeritus/Emeritamay be considered at any time, but should normally be submitted well in advance of the retirement date.
The dean of libraries is responsible for submitting an up-to-date curriculum vitae on behalf of the retiring colleague to the Office of the Vice-Provost, Faculty Relations.
What are the benefits?
For retiring faculty, the title Professor Emeritus/Emerita is also way to continue your relationship with the university, due to the following benefits:
- Library access including: 150 item limit, extended loans, 10 item hold limit, and free access to interlibrary loans.
- The ability to continue accessing research grants and funds.
- The ability to continue graduate student supervision.
- Access to IT services are reviewed annually by college/unit IT leadership in conjunction with ICT staff.
- Access to lab space or office space is at the discretion of the college/school.
- Ability to keep current parking spot after retiring with pre-authorized debits.
- Contact Parking & Transportation Services for more information.
All questions should be directed to:
Vice-Provost, Faculty Relations